As part of the German funded INTERACT- Bio project a Stakeholder Workshop was organised with support of Kochi Municipal Corporation and Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development, and facilitated by ICLEI- South Asia. The project aims to mainstream and integrate biodiversity conservation and management into the planning process at the national, subnational and local level. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Environment Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, the four year project will be conducted in three cities- Kochi, Mangaluru and Panaji in India.

The project supports several Aichi Biodiversity Targets developed in 2010 and Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 through the promotion of nature-based solutions demonstrating the effectiveness of nature-based city development and ultimately connecting city regions with one another- building capacity and raising awareness in these regions. A significant output of the project will be the development of a Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) for Kochi.

