In a bid to make Cochin as a women-friendly city, the Vanitha Jagratha Samithi mooted by the Kerala Women’s Commission in the Kochi Municipal Corporation limits was launched on December 2nd, 2013 in EMS Town Hall. The Union Minister of State for Food and Civil Supplies, Shri K V Thomas inaugurated the function and also launched the ‘Help Me on Mobile’ application, implemented by Confederation of Indian Industry – Indian Women Network in association with the Kochi Municipal Corporation. These ‘samithis’ will provide all support to victims of abuse, including counseling and legal help. The ‘samithi’ will address the issues faced by women. It is not really possible for women to approach the police with complaints due to several reasons. The ‘samithis’ will be able to bridge that gap and help women.


The entire programme was coordinated by c-hed.